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Denver Upneeq Eye Drops
Prescription Eye Drops for Eyelid Lift
As we age, it’s natural for the eyelids to droop and make the face appear more tired. This drooping, called ptosis, impacts many of our patients at Always Beautiful. When we see individuals wanting their eyes to appear wide and alert once again, we recommend Upneeq, the once-daily eye drop.
Millions of men and women over 40 may have low-lying lids from acquired ptosis without awareness. Of those millions, 15% have been diagnosed, and even fewer receive treatment.
Upneeq eye drops cater to a largely unmet need for those millions of people experiencing droopy eyelids. Furthermore, Upneeq prescription eye drops offer a non-surgical alternative for those wanting to lift their eyelids while avoiding the pressures of invasive surgery.
Contact us today to learn more about how Upneeq works and what it can do for your eyelids.
Upneeq Eye Drop Before and After
You can find out if Upneeq eyedrops are right for you by scheduling a consultation with a Denver Upneeq eye drops provider you trust. That will give you the best opportunity to ask questions, address concerns, and find the right solution to reach your goals.
In the meantime, these Upneeq before and after images are real patients showcasing their eyelid lift results.*
*As with any cosmetic procedure, outcomes may vary. Always Beautiful Medspa is the leading provider of Upneeq eyedrops in Denver, CO.
Contact us to learn more about this FDA-approved solution and get any information you may need to discuss with your doctor.
Denver Upneeq Eye Drops FAQ
Millions of adults over the age of 40 suffer from some degree of acquired ptosis. The skin loses structural proteins (elastin and collagen) that provide elasticity as the skin gets older. Elasticity is the ability of the skin to bounce back into place. Loss of elasticity and the constant pull of gravity causes the upper eyelid to droop down over the eye, potentially impairing vision.
You likely have many questions about your options if you’re one of these individuals. So let’s go through the most common questions we hear.
How Much Does Upneeq Cost?
Upneeq is a prescription medication that costs, on average, $220 for a 45-day supply. That’s a little over $4 per day. Unfortunately, insurance companies do not cover the eye-lifting eyedrop since it is primarily a cosmetic concern. Although insurance does not cover the cost of this prescription eye drop, studies have shown Upneeq is effective and affordable compared to surgical alternatives.
What Are the Possible Side Effects of Upneeq?
Upneeq is FDA-approved and clinically proven to be safe and effective. Side effects are rare, and temporary if they do occur. However, in a small percentage of patients, possible side effects include:
- Eye Inflammation
- Eye Redness
- Dry Eye
- Mouth Dryness
- Eye Pressure
- Blurred Vision
- Headache
To avoid adverse side effects or serious risks, speak with your doctor and an experienced provider about Upneeq. Some medications may not be good to take with Upneeq.
What is Acquired Ptosis?
Ptosis is the medical term for low-lying or droopy eyelids.
Ptosis may be genetic (congenital ptosis), caused by aging (acquired ptosis), or caused by other issues such as:
- Cataract Surgery or LASIK
- Eye Injuries
- Wearing Contact Lenses
- Migrating Botox
- Other Medical Conditions
Upneeq is designed to treat acquired ptosis, the most common cause of droopy eyelids.
Can You Get a Prescription for Upneeq?
Upneeq is only available as a prescription eye drop treatment for acquired ptosis. One eye drop is inserted into each eye once a day. The specialists at Always Beautiful can help you decide if Upneeq will be worth it for you.
Do You Have to Use Upneeq Forever?
Upneeq is not plastic surgery, therefore, the lifting effect is temporary. Visible improvement to the upper eyelid muscle is typically seen within 15 minutes of application. Results can last up to 8 hours.
Who Should Not Use Upneeq?
Upneeq is designed for men and women suffering from acquired ptosis but not looking to schedule plastic surgery. The daily eyedrop provides moderate improvement. It is ideal for individuals who want younger-looking eyes without surgical intervention.
Anyone with conditions that prevent steady blood flow to the brain should use caution and speak with professionals to find the right solution.
We do not recommend Upneeq if you have:
- An Overactive Thyroid Gland
- Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
- High Blood Pressure
- Eye Pain or Eye Infection
- Sjogren’s Syndrome
Upneeq eyedrops may interfere with other medications, especially those that affect blood pressure and amine metabolism. Be sure to disclose medication use and medical history to your doctor.
Does Upneeq Work on Hooded Eyelids?
Hooded eyelids and droopy eyelids are terms often used interchangeably. However, when discussing what Upneeq helps, we are referring specifically to ptosis that happens with age.
Hooded eyelids mean excess skin folds come down to cover part of the lid. They can happen with age but tend to be genetically passed from person to person. If you’re unsure how to best address problems with your upper eyelid muscle, don’t hesitate to ask for a professional opinion.
Denver Droopy Eyelid Treatment: Non-Surgical Eyelid Lift
Our team at Always Beautiful takes the necessary time to help you choose the best treatments for your goals. We then carefully and expertly perform all treatments to ensure optimal results.
We believe in precise solutions that offer natural-looking, long-lasting cosmetic benefits, such as Upneeq. We are ready to answer any questions if you are considering Upneeq prescription eye drops.
Don’t let droopy eyelids make you look old and tired.
Take the first step towards a more rejuvenated, fresh face by filling out the form below or calling our clinic directly at (720) 280-7016.
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**Results may vary. We are reputable for complete customer satisfaction for completed treatments. Before and after images reflect real results from real patients, although individual results may vary. No treatment is promised to provide permanent results. A guarantee is neither provided nor implied. Statements estimating treatment duration and the number of treatments required are based on the typical experience of our patients, however individual experiences may vary.
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